Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fighting Weight

We got great news at the doctor's tonight... Amita has gained a full pound in 2 weeks! She tipped the scales at a whopping 9lbs 4oz. When the doctor saw that, he told us that whatever we're doing, we should keep doing it! Her weight gain is no longer a concern and she appears to be thriving. What a blessing (and a relief!)!! So with that, here are a few funny faces from Amita this week.

It's hard to capture her smiles on film, but she is smiling more and more each day.

This surprised look made me laugh.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Hiding

Apparently, the cats have the right idea when it comes to burrowing in for a nap. Both Azrael and Amita are sufficiently bundled to get their sleep on!

Amita has been going through a growth spurt, which means a bit more fussiness than usual. I'm hoping that in the next few days, things will be back to normal, but in the meantime, it's been a little exhausting for both of us. Yesterday, she allowed me a cat nap (both cats on my tummy while I snoozed on the couch and she napped in her bouncy seat!) and today, she is taking another snooze, while I opt to do laundry and update the blog. She woke up early today (only 7 hours of sleep overnight) but luckily for me, she was interested in going back to sleep after a diaper change and a feeding this morning, so I'm not too sleep deprived. Now... On to more chores before my Sleeping Beauty awakens!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Snow Day

Another winter storm has hit Wisconsin and although Amita and I were more than ready for spring to arrive, we will need to keep waiting. So today, we are snuggled up inside for a snow day. That means a track suit for mom and jammies for Amita!

It's been a long day indoors... Amita is generally dissatisfied with the world today (I'm hoping it's just the 6-week growth spurt)... but regardless, we are finally enjoying a little peace and quiet as I bundled her up in a blanket and put her in the bouncy chair. She's not asleep, but is at least content for now... and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the contentment will turn into a short nap. But just in case it doesn't, I've got about 20 things I want to do while I can, so I have to go take advantage!

Here's photographic evidence that every once in a while, Amita DOES take a nap... though never a long one!

I couldn't resist this Dr. Evil pose. Perhaps that has something to do with her mood? Maybe she will behave for me... for one meeeeeelllllllion dollars!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Little Smiles

I finally had a little success at capturing a smile or two from Amita. We had fun making faces this afternoon, so I thought I'd share. We also got to road test that sweet ride (her stroller) in the warm weather and got out walking for 40 minutes today. That must have worn her out because she actually took a nap for a little over an hour! A big day all around!!

One of the many little smiles she flashed today.

Don't mess with Amita!

Laid back...

I feel like her attitude bib says it all...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Out for a Stroll

We finally assembled our stroller! This was one of the many things we had planned to do during what we were expecting to be a very long labor. Since we barely had time to notify the midwife and grab our birthing supplies, we opted to put off assembling the stroller to a later date.

But the warmer weather we're having has spurred us on (that plus a lucky stretch of a few hours where Amita actually took a nap) and we got it ready to roll this weekend. I know that the stroller is stylish, but the main reason we chose this one was for its ease of use. There is literally one strap to pull to collapse the entire thing!! After comparing it to many other strollers out there (you know us - we like to research!!) this was the only one that we felt like we didn't need a college degree to operate. Now all we need is a little warmer weather so I can get Amita outside in her fancy wheels!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wrist Fat

Amita has been struggling with gaining weight. In adults, that would be something to brag about.... but for babies, that's not a good thing. So tonight we are celebrating her weight gain! She is up to 8lbs 4oz!! Her progress is evident in her limbs, which are now starting to plump up. I'm not sure when wrist fat stops being cute and starts being a health concern... probably sometime after kindergarten, but before junior prom. Either way, we have a long time before we have to worry about either of those events!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

15 Minutes

Our 15 minutes of fame have arrived! Our house was featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in a story on green building. Our fabulous architect, Mary, was interviewed for the story and discussed many of the design principles that drove the design of our home. Hard to believe that we've been living in our house for more than a year (thanks again to all those heavy lifters that helped make moving possible!!). I suppose a year from now, we'll be writing about how hard it is to believe that we have a 1-year-old...

And speaking of our adorable little girl, she has been much more agreeable of late. I don't want to jinx it, but perhaps we have turned a corner. Here's a few shots of her looking cute as always!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Family

The cats are finally starting to adjust to the "new normal" at our house. As usual, everyone wants to hang out with Aaron when given the opportunity! We are also adjusting to the new temporary schedule with Aaron back at work. He gets his Amita time in the evenings... which is great since mom always needs a break by 6pm.

The cats don't seem to mind the extra toys on the floor... it turns out that most baby toys are as interesting to them as cat toys. Who knew we could have been shopping for cat toys in the baby aisle all these years?!?!? And believe it or not... Baxter really CAN fit into a bouncy seat!!