Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Update

It was an exciting week in the Bubb household. We survived our first week of me back to work and Amita in day care. Everyone did as well as they could, but we were all running on a little less sleep and a little more stress than we've had in the recent past.

Then, in case that excitement wasn't enough, we decided to take Amita on her first road trip ever! We drove to Minneapolis to visit my brother, sister-in-law and niece. We had a blast hanging out and reacquainting the girls who haven't seen each other in 11 weeks! Amita was also able to test out some new fun toys (sorry again about all the poop on the Jumperoo!). It looks like mom and dad may need to do a little shopping.

Here's a look at our week in pictures...

Amita was so exhausted from all the excitement at day care that she fell asleep on the 5 minute car ride to go vote. We actually had to wake her up to eat and put her to bed that night!
Amita and Piper checking each other out!
Rockin' our matching piggy tails!
Taking the girls to the park. The grown ups had as much (or more) fun than the girls!
The ride back from MN. We stopped 5 times on the drive out on Friday... but Amita needed her beauty sleep on Sunday on our ride home and we only had to stop twice.
Our family at one of our stops along highway 16.

1 comment:

  1. We had blast while you were here! Thanks again for making the trip and for all the goodies you brought. Love the pigtails!! And the picture of the two girls wearing them at the same time is priceless. Makes them look like twins :-). Glad to hear the trip back went so smoothly. We had a lot of fun with Amita, she's adorable!!
