Sunday, March 24, 2013

Purple & Green

Last weekend we celebrated two of the saints days.  March 16 was St. Urho's day (basically the Finnish version of St. Pat's).  The traditional colors for that day are purple and green, so both the kids were decked out accordingly.  Ansel actually "borrowed" a purple shirt that Amita wore during her first October... you math wizards will note that she would have been more than 9 months old then.  There was a little room for Ansel to grow in it, but I don't think he'll fit it by Halloween this year!!  His green shirt was another hand-me-down: Amita's first Christmas onesie!!

Amita seemed to really enjoy the holiday.  I never managed to capture her standing completely still.  She was on the go all day helping Dada with groceries, getting gas for the car, cooking, and going to church.  She was in great spirits with energy to spare right up until bed time!

On Sunday, we celebrated St. Patrick's day by wearing green.  Not a whole lot of beer drinking this year... my how the times have changed!

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