Remember back when we were living in a tiny, cramped apartment with degenerates for neighbors who smashed into our car and drove away without so much as a note? Us too!! But finally, the last visible reminder of that day has been removed and the Infiniti restored to its former glory. Behold! A new bumper for Aaron's car!! There has been much rejoicing (note the thumbs up in the photo)!
And speaking of damage and restoration... In a storm this week, the wind blew one of our trees down (not a nice live one; one of the dead ones). Fortunately, nothing was damaged, although that may not be the same story the tree would give you...
Having no tools other than a hand saw, we decided to check with our neighbors to find out if they had a chainsaw. The neighbors to the East may or may not (the guy who might have a chainsaw was out of town and his wife clearly did not get involved in his yard care affairs). The neighbors to the West did have a chainsaw... but seemed a little reluctant to let Aaron go swinging it around. So they were nice enough to come over and cut up the tree for us while Aaron went to work stacking it! Now we have a nice stash of wood to burn in our fire pit.
...All we need now is a fire pit!!!
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