Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Week

It's been a busy week at the Bubb house and the blog has taken a back seat. We've spent much of this week moving Amita to her bedroom. The diaper changing supplies are now upstairs (mom and dad are going to drop a little weight as a result!) and she is now sleeping in her crib at night. No more bassinet in our bedroom.

We've been mostly successful with the move, although it has caused a few nights of interrupted sleep (we're used to her sleeping a full 8 hours or more), so mom has been napping during the day instead of updating the blog. But I didn't want it to go more than a week without posting, so here are a whole bunch of Amita pics. I know there's a lot, but who wouldn't want that many of the cutest baby in the whole world... at least as voted on in our house!

Just chillin'...
All bundled up and loving it!
There's no question who's the boss!
The look on her face right before she makes her bird sounds (the predecessor to crying)!
What choo talkin' bout, Willis?

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