August was a whirlwind of activity... so much more than usual! In addition to busy weeks at work, we had a lot of busy weekends, which meant that we had no time for blogging (among many other activities!). So this post will be a recap of all our events for the past month.
We last left our heroine starting to try squash... and it wasn't a big hit. But Grandma Morehouse's homemade applesauce was a real winner! She also really liked it when Grandma M. fed it to her! Since we failed to plan a sitter ahead of time and needed one in a pinch so we could attend our annual BabyMaker's Brewer Outing at Miller Park, we called on Grandma. Luckily, Grandma was able to cancel her plans and come down to stay with Amita that weekend. They both had lots of fun!!
Amita has been enjoying her Thursdays and Fridays home from daycare. Below was a fun ride in a laundry basket. Note Baxter lurking close by - he doesn't ever want to miss any action!
Amita has been sitting up and is getting very good at balancing and holding herself up. She still tips over every once in a while, but for the most part, she is able to stay upright. She also sprouted her third tooth on the bottom (can't see it in most pictures, but she definitely shows off those pearly whites when she smiles at you!). The teething has been a lot of extra waking in the night and it didn't stop with tooth #3. She continued to be fussy, so I assumed she was working on tooth #4 on the bottom.
... but her favorite "toys" to reach for are more mobile! Pretty soon, she's going to figure out that she can chase our furry boys. That should be exciting for everyone!
Below is Amita eating more solids like a big girl. So far, she only really likes plums and applesauce. I tried peaches too, thinking that maybe she has a preference for sweeter things... but she hated them! She would purse her lips closed and wouldn't allow any peaches in!! I don't really blame her on that one (not a fan of peaches myself). So we'll keep trying things to expand her menu. She is up to one solid feeding a day and this week, we are planning to expand it to two. That means mama needs to get to work pureeing more plums!!
Amita inherited a fantastic new kitchen from the O'Hearn's, whose daughter has outgrown it. She also got a super cute turtle sandbox to play in. Both have been and will continue to be big hits!!!
Amita got to see Grandpa and Grandma Bubb at the end of the month. They came down on a Friday so that Aaron could run some errands and take care of some chores that had been neglected with all our other activities! They were also wonderful enough to stay after Amita went to bed so Aaron and I could go out to dinner! It was our first night out together in quite a long time. We had a blast!!
Last weekend, I stumbled upon a garage sale while Amita was at home napping with Daddy. The family had twin boys, with 2 of everything and they were basically having a fire sale of all their baby gear so they could make room for their toddler sized 2 of everythings! We scored big with this toy - you put the balls in and they shoot out of the dinosaur's tummy, tail, and mouth. Very fun!!
Another acquisition from the garage sale (check out the video in the other post as well!). Amita and Azzy making beautiful music together!!! In addition to the below, we also got a drag racing track, a winter coat, a snowsuit, and some chewy blocks. It was a very successful outing. Good thing I brought my hauling vehicle (the MINI) with it's unlimited upwards hauling capacity!!
Amita also got her fourth tooth over the weekend... but it wasn't on the bottom like we were expecting! Instead, it is one of her vampire teeth on the top!! We weren't the first ones to notice it... our friends (the Brown's!) spotted it first. I was checking the bottom gums several times a day in search of it and it never occurred to me to check the top! I guess now I know I need to watch all over, although it seems that perhaps we are done with teething for a little while. The past few days, Amita has slept all the way through the night (the first time in about a month!). Amazing how much more restful consecutive hours of sleep are for everyone!!! We'd like to have a little break from teething before the next round starts, if only to catch up on some sleep.
Let's hope September is a little less busy (although my calendar does not indicate it will be) so we can keep providing Amita updates more regularly.
Correction... the applesauce that Amita prefers was made by Grandpa M, not Grandma! I guess he needs to get busy this fall once the apples are ripe!!