Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cousin Larry Appleton

We got to spend last weekend with Cousin Piper, not Cousin Larry Appleton! And Piper is doing such a great job cruising around, it won't be long until she's doing the Dance of Joy like Balki!

It was Piper's first birthday and we spent the weekend in Minnesota helping celebrate. Since Piper got out of the NICU and Amita was born, we've been lucky enough to get the girls together every three months. It's always great to see family... but it's been especially fun watching how the girls are growing and changing. And for us, it's like a little window into the future. We know that whatever Piper is doing now, Amita will be doing in 3 more months! Seems like we'll need to get started on our babyproofing sometime soon...

Here's a picture of Amita squirming on the floor. She's not exactly crawling... but she's definitely moving around!

A picture of the birthday girl!

The girls on a double stroller ride to the park. We all enjoyed the warm days over the weekend and got out as much as we could.

Let them eat cake! I love how dainty Piper was about the whole thing!!

Hanging with Auntie and Uncle!

Taking a break from squirming to pose for mama.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!! We so enjoyed having you guys here, thank you so much for making the drive out here to help us celebrate Piper's first birthday! Amita is doing great and we loved getting to hang with her. It's so fun to watch the two together, when their schedules allow it.
