Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hat Season

This weekend has been mixed for us.  On Friday Amita went to her 10 month doctor's appointment to check on her weight.  She has gained more than a pound in the past month and was exactly 15 lbs!  We were relieved to get that news and we're hoping that we don't have to take her in again until her 12 month check up.  

However, since Thursday, Amita has been eating less and less and today, she flat out refused to eat any formula.  So we're worried not only that we're going to lose all of our progress over the past month, but also that we'll need to get her back to the doctor if she doesn't start eating again.  

But even with the highs and lows of this weekend, we still got to enjoy special times with Amita.  It turns out that this season's hottest accessory is hats!  It was cool and breezy, so I dug out all the winter hats and Amita was willing to model some for us this weekend.  She is able to remove them when she chooses, so (as with most things!) Amita decides when she will and will not be wearing a hat.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! We've been having fun with hats, too. The one you guys got us is tied for favorite with our MSU hat ;-P. Hope birdie is back to eating and putting on those oz's soon!!
