Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Days

Amita has been sick and teething, but even with all she's going through, she's been in great spirits.  Her smiles and laughter warm our hearts and it's been amazing to see all the changes she has gone through in the past week.

Amita has learned how to go from laying on her tummy to sitting up.  She has also started crawling on her hands and knees and using that extra height to pull herself up to standing.  And my personal favorite: she has learned how to blow kisses!  I got home from work on Wednesday night and the first thing she did when she saw me was blow me some kisses - adorable!!!

Here are just a few pics of our happy little camper.

Playing games in her high chair and giggling like a crazy person!

Amita is part of the internet sensation, planking!!

On her day home sick with Daddy - even then, she had some smiles for him.

It was hard to find a serious picture of our little comedian this past week.  Every other picture that I took here had her cackling!

Blowing kisses... MWAH!!!

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