Saturday, November 24, 2012

Giving Thanks

This Thanksgiving, we have even more to be thankful for than last year.  Ansel has been such a joy and a blessing... and big sister Amita can't get enough of him either.  Being able to spend the past two weeks together as a family has been beyond wonderful... I won't say it's felt like a long vacation exactly, but it's not often we get that much consecutive time together.  I will miss Aaron (and his extra set of hands!) when he returns to work on Monday.

We didn't travel for the T-day holiday, but we did still celebrate.  Thursday was pajama (and jerseys for some of us) day.  We all stayed in the house and ate appetizers and watched football most of the day.  Did I mention I'm thankful for DVR?  We also hosted a mini Thanksgiving dinner on Friday.  Aaron's parents came over and watched the kids so Aaron and I could hang out in the kitchen and cook together.  It was a welcome break and there's nothing quite like a deep fried turkey with all the sides... I'd eat that pretty much every day of the year!!

Here's Amita helping me make "hunkin" pie.  She really liked our hand held mixer.

And of course, no good chef can go too long without sampling.  She made sure it was fit to serve to company.

A whole day of eating and watching TV sure is exhausting!

Amita modeling a new bow for her hair.

The whole gang hanging out on the floor.  Amita loves having her brother close by!

Ansel just chillin.  He seems to be a very laid back baby, but since we didn't go to a hospital, we can't really worry that there was a mix up in the nursery!  I think he'll be a good counterpoint to the type A personalities in our house!!

My boys sleeping in on a lazy Saturday morning.  Even with the camera flash going off in his face, this little guy didn't move!

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