Saturday, March 2, 2013

All About Dada

Dada is a popular fellow at our house.  Amita has been requesting him lately for everything from playing with her to scooping her food and all sorts of stuff in between.  He's definitely a barrel full of monkeys and she usually gets tossed in the air when he's around, so I don't blame her.  I try to hang out with him any chance I get too... he's fun!!  The above photo is of Dad hauling both kids around.  Who needs a gym membership when you have these two weights to carry!!

We have been settling into our routine with me back at work full time and the kids are adjusting quite well.  Ansel keeps growing and getting stronger and is hitting all his baby milestones: holding his head up, growing teeth (I know, overachiever!!), etc..  Amita has been working a lot on vocabulary and now she loves action verbs.  She will call out who is doing what at our house all day: Mama wash, Amita dance, Dada sneeze... you get the idea!

Here are a few more photos of what we've been doing recently.

This was the only reasonably still photo I could get of both kids playing.  Ansel is finally big enough for his jumparoo and he like to hang out there... but Amita is also very enthusiastic about it and likes to "help" him jump and shake, so one of us usually needs to mediate the situation.

Amita gets a kick out of holding her baby bro.  She also hugs and kisses him lots!  Her latest has been to try to lift him like she sees Mama and Dada doing.  We have definitely been discouraging that one since he is about 2/3 of her weight already!

Amita loves dancing... especially with Dada!  But if you're in the neighborhood, stop in and ask her to do the robot.  She's quite good!

Here's the kids watching racing with Dada.  Amita loved all the cars!  Someday soon, Dada will have a shadow with him at the race track!

Here's our big boy practicing sitting up in his Bumbo chair.  You can see why our arms are getting such a workout from this one!

Here's Amita making her very own pizza.  She wanted to be like Dada so she put black olives on hers just like he did!!

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