Friday, July 12, 2013

Two Birds Go to the Zoo

Anyone that has been to our house recently knows that Amita's favorite book right now is the camel book (a moldy oldy I found at a library book sale).  So she was thrilled when she got to see all the animals from that book on a recent visit to the zoo!  We took a day off of work and took both kids to the zoo to see the sights.  Lucky for us, the weather was great and the kids really enjoyed a few hours outside.

Here's Mama and Amita looking at the giraffes.  She was able to count all of them and liked watching them eat and drink.

Amita and Daddy got to sit in on a bird show (the rare bird show!).  The eagle flew right over their heads!!  And they also had a performing crow that Amita just loved.

This donkey was sleeping and Amita was fascinated with him.

Here's one of our cool cats taking a break from walking and having a drink.  The double stroller worked great for hauling both kids and a stuffed diaper bag around!

Here's Amita and Daddy by the goats.  She didn't want to go in and pet them (I don't blame her!), but she liked watching from the safety of Daddy's arms.

Amita loves the bird house at the zoo and she really enjoyed the flamingos outside (they weren't around in November when we were last at the zoo!).

Taking a snack break in the monkey house.

Ansel was super good at the zoo!  He was laid back and just took in the sights and sounds.

Here's both my little animals back at home.  They were both so great, we are planning another visit very soon!

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