Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Fwee

It's hard to believe, but Amita turned 3 this week.  In some ways, it still feels like yesterday that we were asking what we had gotten ourselves into with a screaming newborn in our arms.  And in other ways, it seems like such a lifetime ago.

Although the big day was on a weekday, we marked the momentous occasion by coming home from work early and making a special birthday treat.  Ansel went to bed at his normal time, so it was like a mini party for the three of us.

 Here we are making monkey bites, one of Amita's favorite snacks (bananas and peanut butter dipped in chocolate).

And any good chef samples her creation!

Opening gifts.  She basically shredded them a small piece at a time... She definitely didn't get that from Mama!

The look of excitement as she feasts her eyes upon...

... a mermaid castle!!!  And to be clear, she isn't really smiling here, but it's because she was annoyed that I was asking her to stop playing, hold still, and smile for a picture.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, Same Cute Kids

After our holiday travels, it was nice to return home.  And although they'd never say it, the kids were glad to be back on their usual schedule!  Our big news upon returning home was that Ansel learned how to scoot!

The Saturday after we got back, it was like any other day... but on Sunday, everything changed!  All of a sudden, he discovered that he could bounce and inch his way along to anywhere he wanted.  He was thrilled and was quick to point out all the areas of our house that are not babyproof!  Despite the extra work he's been creating for us in every room, we are thrilled that he's made such great progress from his 12 month checkup when our doctor was concerned.

And of course, here are some pictures showing the hilarity that has occurred lately...

Amita still likes to wear her reindeer hat.  I have yet to convince both kids they want to wear them at the same time for a picture, however...

We did a little sledding at our house too.  Ansel is quite the trooper in the snow.

Amita had fun going down the hill with Daddy... but she does NOT like snow in her face!

And this is Ansel hamming it up for the camera and showing off some of his newfound movement skills!

He thought Mama taking pictures of him was quite hilarious!

So we both cackled the morning away!

Where's Ansel?!?!?!?!

There he is!
Sidebar: this is further proof that cats are a lot like kids.  I can't tell you how many times I've walked by and just seen a tail sticking out of our curtains!

Amita was excited to wear a football shirt... even if it was for the wrong team!  I will say that she had this off by lunchtime after she spilled blueberries all over herself.  And the Lions color is blue.  Coincidence?  I think not!

One day we turned around when Amita said, "Look at my fingers" (it's olives).  Funny stuff!

And here's my two little monkeys enjoying a snack in the pantry.  Animal crackers for everyone!