Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Fwee

It's hard to believe, but Amita turned 3 this week.  In some ways, it still feels like yesterday that we were asking what we had gotten ourselves into with a screaming newborn in our arms.  And in other ways, it seems like such a lifetime ago.

Although the big day was on a weekday, we marked the momentous occasion by coming home from work early and making a special birthday treat.  Ansel went to bed at his normal time, so it was like a mini party for the three of us.

 Here we are making monkey bites, one of Amita's favorite snacks (bananas and peanut butter dipped in chocolate).

And any good chef samples her creation!

Opening gifts.  She basically shredded them a small piece at a time... She definitely didn't get that from Mama!

The look of excitement as she feasts her eyes upon...

... a mermaid castle!!!  And to be clear, she isn't really smiling here, but it's because she was annoyed that I was asking her to stop playing, hold still, and smile for a picture.

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