Sunday, March 16, 2014

So Much More Than St. Urho's Day

Remember St. Urho's Day?  That holiday you hear about once a year on my blog?  Well, we celebrated with our Purple & Green on March 16th, just like always!  It was surprisingly difficult to find any purple in Ansel's closet, so we had to borrow a vest from Amita!

So let's also have a look at the month in pictures, to see what the two cutest kids in the whole, wide universe have been up to!

Here's Ansel standing with the help of the toy box!  He is getting stronger every day and we are encouraged by his progress.

This is Amita trying the world's best baklava.  Imported from Detroit!  Order the large mixed tray - you won't be disappointed.

This is Amita admiring my latest craft project.  It's a vintage owl with a bunch of family photos.  As soon as she saw the finished project she said, "Thank you so much for the owl, Mama!"

Ansel rocking some sunglasses Elton John style.

Piggy back rides are always fun, right Daddy?

An Ansel-graham.

This is Ansel looking handsome in his green and purple.  Surprising how close the vest is to fitting him (it's a 2T!).

And this is both kids saying, "Cheeeeeeese!"

Gotta read the morning paper with coffee!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Juggler with the Yellow Shoes

Amita and I went to a juggler this afternoon. We had a blast and it was a nice day out for the two of us. We also brought home pizza to Daddy and Ansel, so everyone had a good Sunday!

Yes - he is juggling with a bowling ball!!

This is Amita "juggling"!