Friday, August 1, 2014

August and Everything After

I can't believe how quickly August flew by!  It seems like I blinked and missed it!  Here's some photos of the kids from the month as we raced around to pack in as much summer fun as possible!  Above is Amita showing off her official certificate from gymnastics class.  She had a lot of fun... we may sign her up for a class again sometime soon.

This is Ansel modeling a hat that used to belong to Daddy.  It seems custom-made for a large Bubb head!

This is what happens when you let a toddler fill their own snack bowl.

Amita got several dresses from a friend (thanks June!) and she was thrilled to be wearing them on the warm days of August!

Here's Amita showing off her "clown shoes" (Daddy's shoes!).

Ansel was thrilled to get sunglasses just like "Sissy".

Here's Amita eating some corn on the cob.  What could be more summer than that?!?!?!

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