Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September to Remember

Our September raced by in a blur, but we did have some memorable moments, like the above, where Ansel discovered his pants had pockets!

With both kids growing like crazy lately, I've been adding new-sed clothes to their drawers.  This night was the first time they got to wear some new PJ's.  Amita was excited that hers was a "dress".

I mean, she was REALLY excited!

One day, the kids were playing in the living room and Amita decided her chair was a hammock.  Ansel is never too far behind her, so he needed a hammock too.

And now it's a regular occurrence!

They will actually go to their hammocks whenever I ask!

A game of dress up to entertain them on a yucky, rainy fall day.

One Sunday, Amita was dressed to the nines and wanted her picture taken.

But for every time we are dressed up and looking our best... we have many more moments like the below.  This is Ansel making a mess of spaghetti and raisins.  Yes, he did eat them together!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Game Day

Getting ready for the big game today!  Everyone is excited to wear football gear.  That Honolulu Blue really brings out our eyes, doesn't it??

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Car Show

The kids got to go on a special outing with Daddy to see race cars.  And imagine who they bumped into there?  That's right... Papa!!  They had tons of fun talking with the drivers, checking out the cars, and they even got to sit inside a few!

Ansel was the first to volunteer to test out a car.

Once Amita saw how much fun Ansel was having "driving", she wanted a turn as well.

Despite the chilly weather, the kids had a blast!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1st Day of School

Today was a major milestone at our house.  Amita started school!  She is going to 3K three mornings a week.  Aaron and I both took off of work so we could be home for the auspicious occasion.  We have been reading books about school for several weeks and have been practicing getting up early for the past two weeks in order to prep for today.  Last Friday, we also toured the school and met the teacher, partly because Amita was asking me lots of questions.  She was also pretty sure her teacher would be a zebra, just like in the Llama Llama book we'd been reading, so I didn't want her to be disappointed on the first day!

All the prep work paid off.  She was ecstatic to go to school today.  She knew exactly where to put her stuff, how to get a book, and where to sit on the alphabet rug and she couldn't wait to get school started.  It was actually hardest to get Ansel to leave school with us.  He wanted to stay with Amita and play with all the cool toys at school.  He seemed a little out of it this morning without big sis around and he was really glad to see her when school let out!  To my credit, I managed to keep smiling until we got to the car and then I needed a few minutes to collect myself, since the thought of my baby going off to school was a little overwhelming!

Here's Amita with her owl backpack.

Sitting on the letter E (her assigned spot) on the alphabet rug.

A final look at her through the doors.  She was engrossed in her book and didn't look back at us once!

The "homework" Amita had to prepare for her first day.

We got big hugs when school let out.

And Amita couldn't wait to tell us all about all the fun things she did at school.  She's already looking forward to Friday when she sees her teacher and friends again!