Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September to Remember

Our September raced by in a blur, but we did have some memorable moments, like the above, where Ansel discovered his pants had pockets!

With both kids growing like crazy lately, I've been adding new-sed clothes to their drawers.  This night was the first time they got to wear some new PJ's.  Amita was excited that hers was a "dress".

I mean, she was REALLY excited!

One day, the kids were playing in the living room and Amita decided her chair was a hammock.  Ansel is never too far behind her, so he needed a hammock too.

And now it's a regular occurrence!

They will actually go to their hammocks whenever I ask!

A game of dress up to entertain them on a yucky, rainy fall day.

One Sunday, Amita was dressed to the nines and wanted her picture taken.

But for every time we are dressed up and looking our best... we have many more moments like the below.  This is Ansel making a mess of spaghetti and raisins.  Yes, he did eat them together!

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