Monday, June 29, 2015

Sugarloaf Mountain Hike

While on vacation in the UP, we got the chance to head to Sugarloaf Mountain near Marquette for a hike.  It wasn't exactly great weather (40's and rainy!) but the kids were willing to give it a try.  On the plus side, there weren't any bugs!!

We took the difficult trail up and both kids walked the whole time, which was impressive given the rough terrain and the steep staircases.  At one point during the hike, Amita grabbed my hand and said, "Mama, I love hiking with you!" so I guess they had a pretty good time.  I know I did!

Here's Ansel on the difficult trail.

Here we are at the top.  The kids loved the lookout platforms (which they called castles).

The view of Lake Superior.  On a nice day, this would be an amazing view!!

He's the king of the world!

Our way back down the trail and through the series of stairs and platforms.

One final family photo near the bottom.  The kids were still smiling, although we were all getting pretty tired by this point.  We stopped by Jilbert's Dairy on the ride home as a treat for all our hard work!

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