Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Loft 2.0

So with the introduction of the nursery, you may (or may not) be asking yourself where the office went. The answer is just around the corner... literally! The loft has been converted from a TV watching zone to an office/study. I still have a quiet corner for the few remaining days I have on the work at home program (switching to four 10-hour days after I return from maternity leave). The only difference is that now I don't have a door to lock the cats out when they are being pests. This is usually only an issue from 3-4pm when they remember that they are hungry... the rest of the time, they are able to sleep quite contentedly in any number of places upstairs.

In other baby news... our niece, who was due around the same time as Baby Bubb decided to make an early appearance to the world and arrived yesterday! Welcome Piper Noel to the family!! We're looking forward to introducing her to her cousin sometime around the end/beginning of the year.

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