Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting Closer

After a fantastic baby shower last weekend, we had plenty of chores to keep us busy this weekend. We didn't manage to get any of the baby toys or pack and play assembled, but we did manage to get two loads of baby laundry done so we could start to put items away in the nursery. Believe it or not, there is still another load of laundry to do, but I ran out of steam yesterday. Who would have thought all those tiny things could take up so much space in the washer and dryer?!?!?

In addition to the nursery work, we also picked all of the carrots out of our garden. It turns out there were plenty more than we anticipated. I guess Aaron is going to have to learn to love carrots! We also got our storm window onto the front door and did a few other related winterizing chores. It wasn't warm out yesterday, but we figured it was only going to get colder as the days move into November, so we got as much done as we could. And this morning as we both took a little longer getting out of bed, it was quite noticeable to both of us just how much we managed to do over the weekend!

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