Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some Assembly Required

This weekend we continued to check items off our to-do list. We are halfway through our childbirth classes and we got brave and started assembling some of the items that we received at our baby shower. Although I've heard tales of how complex it can be to assemble basic child care items, we managed to complete two different products. The baby bouncer, shown above with my handsome assistant, and the travel play yard shown below (neither assistant was available for that shot as the box that it came in was far more interesting by this time).

The play yard was more complex to assemble, but it wasn't too bad and it seems like it will be very handy when the baby first arrives (it has a bassinet) in addition to when we're traveling. That's two more items of the list... but there are still more items on the list than off of it. We'll continue to work on those things with the hope of being done by the end of November. Good thing we have a few weeks left!

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