Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day

This past weekend, we were able to participate in a river cleanup that some friends of ours organize (shout out to the Browns and their hard work pulling together the biggest cleanup in the state!).  Last year, our feisty newborn did not allow us to head to the river, but this year, we took our calm toddler in her brand new hiking backpack so we could do our part.  It was a gorgeous, sunny day and we all enjoyed being outside.

Amita also took a day trip to Madison on Sunday to visit more friends.  She did great for the trip, got to play with two older friends and even managed to take a nap in a strange place!  And in the midst of all that excitement, she also had her first molar pop through!  Finally!!!  Only 3 more of those to go...

Here's Daddy and Amita basking in the sun after our river cleanup was over.

Testing out the new hiking backpack.  Amita wasn't too sure of it at first!

Playing with sidewalk chalk.  She really likes to pound it on the ground.  Not so good for the chalk!

Playing with the new shades in our living room.  She was "hiding" behind them!

Everyone making a Daddy pile!

Pretending to drink from a play cup.  Now we just have to get her to do that with a real sippy cup!!

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