Sunday, April 15, 2012


Last year, Amita celebrated Easter by wearing a vintage outfit that used to belong to me.  This year, she wore a vintage sweater that belonged to Aaron.  She was a hit at church, as usual!  Amita also had her 15-month checkup with the doctor this week.  She is keeping it long and lean by growing 2 inches in the past three months, but gaining less than 2 pounds.  The doctor said she looks healthy and has no concerns with how she's developing.

And now, some photos from our week!

Here's Amita eating her first Easter dinner.  In true Bubb fashion, she loved the ham, but wouldn't eat the veggies!

Here's the whole family for Easter.  Amazingly, we got one where we were all looking at the camera!

Amita petting her best friends.  Baxter is much more tolerant than Azrael with her unconventional petting style.

Amita wearing a new "hat".  Once she got this basket on, she didn't want to take it off!

Massaging Baxter's tummy.  The cats like it much better when she's not slapping them on the face!

Reading a book to mama - she was "talking" the whole time.

Thanks to some wonderful friends, we had hostas to plant this weekend.  We got them in on Saturday night before the rain started.  Our yard is officially coming together!

1 comment:

  1. Your yard is looking great and Amita is cute as ever! Love her Easter sweater.
