Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ansel's First Road Trip

We took Ansel on his first ever road trip last weekend so we could meet our newest niece, Priya!  The drive to Minneapolis wasn't that great... there was a lot of stops and a fair amount of crying (not to mention very poopy diapers the ENTIRE time we were on the road!), but we all survived and it was totally worth it to see that tiny peanut, as well as cousin Piper and my brother and sister-in-law!

Here's me holding Priya in my sling.  She is such a sweetie... she was quickly asleep as I walked her to a park - she sawed logs the whole time!

The girls got out all of Piper's musical instruments and put on an informal concert.  They both did a great job sharing and trying out each instrument.

Here's Amita stretching her legs and taking her pet cat for a walk during our third stop of the drive.

Riding a motorbike at a park in Minnesota.

Piper emptying out a storage box so she can fill it... with herself!!

The girls had entire conversations during mealtimes, even though all they usually said was "Hi!"

Amita trying out some tasty waffles.

Here's both of the babies together.  What a difference 6 months (and almost 10 pounds!) makes!!  Priya wasn't feeling up to a photo shoot at this particular moment... and like Amita, Ansel was LOVING some of Piper's toys.  He used the cookie jar shape sorter ALL weekend!

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