Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father Knows Best

We had a great Father's Day weekend.  On Saturday, we got a babysitter (for the kids, not us!) and went out to dinner with some good friends of ours.  We were at a fun supper club and I insisted that Aaron pose with the ceramic deer head before we could leave!

For Father's Day, we went to church (all clad in flip flops!) and showered Daddy with love, attention, and gifts!  We had a lot of fun reminding Aaron how special he is to all of us.

Here's the boys with their matching flops.

Amita was super excited to show Daddy the surprise card that we made for him.  The biggest surprise was that she didn't spill the beans before Father's Day!!

The kids were also thrilled to help Daddy open his gifts.

And here's the gang posing after our celebration was complete.  Ansel was too busy eating his crackers to look at the camera.

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