Saturday, June 14, 2014

Parks and Books

We finally decided it was time to seek out a library since Amita loves books and even with me finding "new" ones at rummage sales, we were all getting tired of the same old reads.  So I did some googling and found that there's a library about 10 minutes from our house.  We headed over there to check it out as a family... and it turns out there is a park there as well (they share the same parking lot!).  So we have been making the most of this find and checking out books and playing on the fun playground equipment.  In addition to books, the library has games, a camping area (since it's summer), a magical place called The Engineering Room (where you can build stuff, play games, make robots, even play video games!), a train table, and all sorts of other cool things.  Both kids seem to really like it there, so I think we're going to become regulars!

At the library, Amita was amazed at a flower that was taller than she was!

I mean, she was really excited!  These were the only two photos I got where she wasn't blurry from dancing around with the giant flower!

Here's Amita climbing the ladder at the playground.

Ansel loves the swing.

A lot!!

But he also likes exploring and pulling himself up on some of the equipment.

He's getting to be very good at cruising around, even on the uneven surfaces of the playground.  I think he'll be walking on his own soon!

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