Sunday, January 3, 2010

Can You Handle This?

We stopped by the house after church this morning to see the progress from the rest of Thursday since Aaron was there and to give me a chance to scope it all out in person. A lot of the cabinet hardware and door hardware has been completed! The kitchen is done and the dining room is almost complete (it can be finished now that we swapped out two incorrect handles that were "hiding" in with the other 43 we got... we're looking forward to the day when our trips to Lowe's are no more!!).

Many of the closet doors also have hardware now and it's pretty cool to see! Having places to store stuff is going to be quite a luxury after the apartment!!

The upstairs bathroom has handles on the cabinets and hardware on the doors. The only thing it needs now is a shower curtain rod and some towel bars and it'll be complete.

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