Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now the Work Begins

We had an official ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, immediately after we were granted occupancy (around 11:30 am). Several dignitaries were there (ok, just our builder) but we had a blast cutting through the ribbon to make it official. We spent 16 hours hauling boxes on Friday using a cargo van and probably wouldn't have been able to do the third trip without the help of Jeff. I know there's no way I could have lifted the other end of our TV, even if I hadn't been hauling stuff for 12 hours already!!

The move on Saturday went very smoothly. The strapping young lads shown above made it all possible. They were able to load the moving van with all our furniture in around 2 hours! And although the weather was less than ideal (mist and fog), everything was in the correct rooms a little after noon! I hear that there was even enough time for one of the guys to ride the elliptical trainer down the hill behind our house, but I have yet to see photographic proof of said ride.

And finally, here's a preview of the house taken last Thursday after all the cleaning had been finished. Above is the kitchen and the two below are of the pantry. I probably won't post more pictures until we get a little more settled (since there are only two rooms without boxes in them right now).

We are truly blessed to have been able to take this journey over the past year and a half and we're really looking forward to being settled. Then, I can find our next big project!! Actually, I think we're both ready to have no next project and to just relax and enjoy everything.

1 comment:

  1. The house looks awesome congrats. If I weren't in Mexico on the beach, my second choice would have been to help you guys shlep boxes.

    One project left and it's rewiring your entertainment center. Just let me know when you're ready to tackle that ;-)
