Saturday, January 9, 2010

Door Number One

We have a front door!! We didn't notice right away because we drove the other way around the circle this morning. The people working on our tile were locked out of the house (the lock box froze in the awful weather we've been having) and we were hurrying to let them in.

The door lets in lots of natural light and looks beautiful inside and out. Although, given the temps today, I much preferred admiring it from the inside.

Meanwhile, the fireplace is really taking shape. We did our best to stay out of the way as they were putting up more tile and cutting pieces, but we needed to mark the locations of all of our remaining hardware (towel bars, toilet paper holders, etc.). It took a little longer than expected, but we got it all done and can't wait to see the final product!

The rest of our faucets were installed on Friday, so we now have all our fixtures in. There isn't water running yet, but we're another step closer to it!!

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